Our Biggest Blessing!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, December 18, 2009

Family Pictures 11/28/09

Here are our Menser-Parham Family Portraits taken on November 28, 2009 (my birthday!) at the Columbus Riverwalk.  (If I can figure out how to put pictures on my posts that is!)

The whole family: My dad, stepmom Chris, sisters, Allen & I
My sisters, Kaki and Anna
Dad & Chris

Allen & I

This is a test

Well, since we're jumping on the having a baby bandwagon, I figured I'd better get on the blogging bandwagon as well!! This first post is only a test, so don't expext too much! In fact, you'd probably better keep your expectations pretty low for this blogspot even after the first post!  Hopefully I will be able to update at least every couple weeks to share how little Mitchell is progressing and how the pregnancy is going.  FYI, right now he is kicking the heck out of me all day long!  I don't even want to imagine what it's going to be like when he starts to get bigger!!